Bussmann Shortstop Thermal Circuit Breaker
Bussmann Shortstop Thermal Circuit Breaker
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What is a Shortstop Thermal Circuit Breaker? The Shortstop Thermal Circuit Breaker is a thermal circuit breaker that is enclosed in a metal or plastic cover with two stud type terminals. The Shortstop Circuit Breakers are available in Type I Auto Reset, Type II Modified Reset and Type III Manual Reset versions. The Shortstop Breaker is available with or without mounting brackets. Waterproof and Splash Proof versions are available. Typical applications can be found in battery chargers, automobiles, trucks, busses, RV's and other transportation vehicles that utilize DC current. Shortstop circuit breakers have ampere ratings from 5 to 50 amps. There are versions that are rated at either 12 or 24 VDC. The interrupting rating is 1,500 amps at 12 VDC. The Shortstop Thermal Circuit Breakers are SAE J553 or SAE J1171 (Ignition Protected) compliant.
Bussmann offers the Shortstop Thermal Circuit Breakers.