Bussmann Mid-Range Thermal Circuit Breaker
Bussmann Mid-Range Thermal Circuit Breaker
Data Sheets & Stock Check »What is a Mid-Range Thermal Circuit Breaker? The Mid-Range Thermal Circuit Breaker is external ignition protected and weatherproof. It is typically used in DC power systems in marine applications, truck, bus and RV systems and add-on protection for accessories. The Mid-Range circuit breakers are available in Type I Auto Reset, Type II Modified Reset and Type III Manual Reset versions. The Type III version is available with a Push-to-Trip option. A visual indication of a tripped condition option is also available. The Mid-Range Breakers are surface mounted using thru-hole fasteners. Mid-Range Thermal Circuit Breakers have ampere ratings from 10 to 50 amps. The voltage rating is 32 VDC with an interrupting rating of 2,500 amps per ABYC E-11. Mid-Range Thermal Circuit Breakers are SAE J553; ABYC E-11and SAE J1171 (Ignition Protected) compliant.
Bussmann offers Mid-Range Thermal Circuit Breakers.